Public corruption is the stealing, misuse, or misappropriation of public funds. Federal and state funded programs are subject to abuse by bad faith actors both within the government and also by private contractors. Public corruption can affect programs related to healthcare, infrastructure, defense, education, and more. Often times the government relies on private citizens, with some connection/knowledge of the corruption, to come forward as part of Qui Tam lawsuits.
Those who come forward and report fraudulent activity are known as ‘relators’ or ‘whistleblowers.’ They often notice some form of fraudulent activity from their coworkers, bosses, or contractors. The government stipulates that someone who reports this form of fraud and wants to bring a suit forth must be connected to the public corruption. This does not mean that the whistleblower needs to act illegally or turn himself in. It essentially means the whistleblower must be an ‘original source.’
There are good reasons for someone who wants to report government waste and public corruption to seek an attorney. As a relator in a Qui Tam/Whistleblower case you will be suing the party alleged of wrongdoings on behave of the government. You’ll need strong legal experience and representation to help your side of the story be told.
As mentioned above, a whistleblower lawsuit, sometimes referred to as a Qui Tam lawsuit, is a suit brought forth usually in connection to the False Claims Act. This can be a federal or state suit. A whistleblower can bring this against a company or individual who they suspect of fraud against the state or federal government, agencies, or violating regulations.
To be able to bring this suit against a company you need to be connected to it as an ‘original source.’ What does this mean? You generally need to be a current employee, former employee, or contractor. Those who bring forth a suit can be eligible to receive part of the damages recovered. They are also protected by state and federal laws from being reprimanded at work.
Reporting fraud is not an easy thing to do. You might be worried about your future and your reputation. There’s also the question of how the legal proceedings go. For these reasons contacting an attorney should be a priority. If you’re considering being a whistleblower, you need to have someone there looking out for you. That’s where the McCoy Law Group can step in.
Give us a call to set up a consultation. We’ll walk you through the whole process and make sure you understand what your options and remedies are.
All content on this website is intended for general information only. Any information presented on any page on this website or link from this website should not be construed to be formal legal advice from the McCoy Law Group nor the formation of a lawyer-client relationship. Every case is different. Any result that Peter McCoy or the McCoy Law Group may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.